Your house is sitting on the market and not selling, and you can’t figure out why. RealtyTimes recently published an article on several issues you may not have considered.
Here are several of the issues that are most important when it comes to selling your house quickly.
* Your Price Is Too High — This is the number 1 reason, as you may have imagined. You may have emotions tied up in your home, but your buyer doesn’t and today they are very savvy. They either will not look at over-priced properties, or if they do they will make a low-ball offer.
If your house has been on the market more than 30 days, it is time to review and adjust your price.
* Your house is run down, outdated, and/or needs repairs – You need to both fix the problems and the source of the problems. Buyer’s have a hard time seeing past repairs, and they will be immediately turned off and will move on to the spic & span and newly remodeled house down the street. This is a sure way to turn off a buyer.
* You have a bad location or bad floorplan – There is not much you can do about this. Small yards, lack of bonus space, bad neighbors, busy street, steep driveway, etc. A lot of these factors can keep your house from selling. Unfortunately, the only way to deal with them is to lower your price until a buyer bites.
You are inflexible – If you are not willing to show your house at a moment’s notice, you are part of the reason the house is not selling. It won’t sell if you won’t show it.
* House is too customized for you – Your house should be staged so that buyer’s can envision it as their own. If you have too many crazy colors, nick-nacks, and family memorabilia around the house, the buyer will have a hard time imagining the house as their own.
If you are having trouble selling your house, and would like an option to sell it quickly, call us at 205-390-1050. We buy houses in Birmingham, Alabama and the surrounding areas. Check us out if you would like to sell your house fast.